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-한영혼에 초점 하는 교회- ​A Church Focused on One Soul | 여승훈목사

-한영혼에 초점 하는 교회-

 A Church Focused on One Soul

주님의  위에서 조급한 마음서둘러 달리지 말자 On the Lord's path, Let us not rush with impatience,

 손으로 세우려는 교회는 For a church built by my own hands

  가기 전에 흔들리리라 Will falter before it travels far.


그러나 주님 앞에 무릎 꿇고 But as I kneel before the Lord, 

 영혼에 집중하여  Focusing on one soul,

날마다 복음 전하며 Sharing the gospel each day,

주님의  따라 양육할  And nurturing according to His will,


주님의 손길을 보게 되리니 We will see the hand of the Lord, 

나의 손이 아닌 A church built not by my hands

주님의 능력으로But through the Lord’s power. 

세워지는 교회를 보리라We will see a church being established.


이 길의 끝에서 세워질 교회를 보라 At the end of this path, behold the church that will be established,

주님의 영광이 빛나고 Where the glory of the Lord shines,

복음의 수혜자들로 채워지는 Filled with those blessed by the gospel

진정한 교회가 세워지리라 A true church will be built.
